Mobile App Work
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The Kmart Rise Above shoe line launched mid 2016. The purpose for the campaign was to engage users with an omni-channel approach. Through promotions, events and strategic placement we were able to get the brand out there while boosting mobile app usage.

The Kmart Rise Above shoe line launched mid 2016. The purpose for the campaign was to engage users with an omni-channel approach. Through promotions, events and strategic placement we were able to get the brand out there while boosting mobile app usage.

Each time a new iOS or Android update was launched, the UX creative team always seized the opportunity to roll out new features, updates and creative in the app. We'd alert app users through SMS channels and at the home screen via "onboarding" messaging once they launched the app.

The idea for creating and launching this campaign was to give holiday shoppers gift ideas. We use several wide-reaching personas to curate a list of possible gift ideas. Then, once in store, an app user would be able to know if any of those items were at their location, where to find them if the items weren't and claim any deals or coupons.

Walgreens always has a big lift in photo prints around the holidays. Since most people have pictures they want printed on their phones, we launch this campaign to encourage app usage to get prints, frames and a variety of other photo related products or print variations with the connivence of the app.

Having customers use the app to clip coupons in store and use their phone at checkout to claim was a big business agenda. This app roll out was informative creative in that it walked someone through the process while providing value prompts.

This was an app/SMS initiative to increase customer engagement and retention throughout the holiday by offering great gift ideas under $20.